SolCard: The No KYC Crypto Card | Full Guide

Описание к видео SolCard: The No KYC Crypto Card | Full Guide

One of the main obstacles crypto users have is off-loading their crypto into fiat. CEX's do a farily good job at this but the process has more steps then it should and it's been like this for a while with no real improvements. SolCard allows users to deposit SOL into a wallet that has an actual Debit Card, with an expiry date and CVV just like the ones you've used before, but with SolCard you don't need to KYC, just connect your email and phantom wallet. In this video I explain how it works, and the potential profits to be made off of the $SOLC token.


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0:00 Intro
0:18 The need for SolCard
1:10 How it works
1:46 Getting your SolCard
2:50 Funding your SolCard
3:24 $SOLC Token
5:18 Closing statement


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