Buy Hold Sell: How to maximise your income on the ASX

Описание к видео Buy Hold Sell: How to maximise your income on the ASX

Let’s face it: We’re all capable of being mesmerised by headlines.

Whether it's a cracking headline on Livewire or an attractive headline price at the shops ($199 is always more appealing than $200), we’re often reluctant to read the fine print or understand what’s going on beneath the surface.

But that reluctance can get you into trouble, particularly when it comes to income investing.

There is a point at which a headline yield starts to look more like a pitfall than a probability and there are ways to construct portfolios that maximise the income opportunity.

If you’re wondering what that point is, then wonder no more. On today’s episode of Buy Hold Sell, Michael Price from Ausbil and Reece Birtles from Martin Currie share with Livewire's Ally Selby the number at which a dividend yield becomes a red flag.

They also share the factors they look for when hunting for great income stocks and, of course, a couple of opportunities they particularly like right now.

Note: This episode was recorded on Wednesday 11 September 2024.


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