Alpha Base Defense sequence WIP

Описание к видео Alpha Base Defense sequence WIP

I have split A30 into two missions, and I think it's for the better ahaha. It's far too long otherwise and this actually lets me do a bit more detail in each of the respective areas because the limits are now effectively cut in half.

I'm looking to do more wildlife on the ring, I would really love to have those fellas wandering around in these new areas.

And as far as what I've done while I've been gone.. I'd say I have made some significant progress? Two Betrayals is pretty far along, but because I'm splitting levels up now I think this will take a bit longer to push out. I still need to do custom voice acting so the mission doesn't feel so strange and lifeless.
(and maybe add a few cortana lines here and there)

I'm mainly busy with university now, but I want to keep going and chugging this mod out bit by bit.


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