03-NOLF2 Moments: Volkov's Recreation

Описание к видео 03-NOLF2 Moments: Volkov's Recreation

"NOLF2 Moments" is a collection of gameplay and cinematic footage of No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.'s Way from 2002 by Monolith Productions. All "NOLF2 Moments" video's are captured in 1280x960 at 25fps with maximum graphics settings, including 16x anisotropic filtering and 16xQ anti-aliasing with supersampling on Windows 7 Ultimate x64.
Spread the word about this brilliant game and let us pray for NOLF 3!


When you're trying to conquer the world with ingenious and evil plans, one needs to have a little R&R.

This NOLF2 Moment appears in "Diary of a Double Agent".


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