Egg Candling Using Mobile Phone // egg candling from day 1 to 21

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Egg Candling Using Mobile Phone // egg candling from day 1 to 21
Egg Candling Expert Shares Top Techniques from Day 1 to 21

Life Cycle Of A Chicken:
Day 1: Bladder development begins.

Day 2: Tissue development begins, as does blood flow.

Day 3: Your heart starts beating and you can see your blood vessels.

Day 4: The amniotic sac begins to develop.

Day 5: Her elbows and knees are developed and her eyes are candle-lit. Day 6:

The beak begins to form and voluntary movements begin.

Day 7: The crest begins to grow.

Day 8: Feather follicles begin to appear and the ear canal opens.

Day 9: Claws begin to develop and the embryo looks like a bird.

Day 10: Egg teeth and claws are formed.

Day 11: Tail feathers begin to grow.

Day 12: Feathers begin to appear.

Day 13: Scales on the legs begin to appear, and the body is lightly covered with feathers.

Day 14: The head changes to the pipping position.

Day 15: Chicks consume protein.

Day 16: They are now fully feathered.

Day 17: The protein is absorbed and the head is between the legs.

Day 18: They are now almost fully grown. The yolk sac is still out of the body and the head is under the right wing. If the egg is in the incubator, it's lockdown day.

Day 19: The yolk sac moves into the body and the embryo occupies all space except the air cell.

Day 20: The yolk sac is absorbed and the navel closes. The embryo begins to breathe and becomes a chick. Pipping starts here!

Day 21: Also known as hatching date. Incubation usually takes less than 18 hours for her, but it can take longer.


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