Learn These 100 Chinese Action Verbs To Master Your Chinese.| Every Verbs Are Around Your Life.

Описание к видео Learn These 100 Chinese Action Verbs To Master Your Chinese.| Every Verbs Are Around Your Life.

Learning these 100 Chinese action verbs for your daily life, learning how to describe the life around you in Chinese, learning these 100 Chinese action verbs are very important, you need to learn the action verbs in order to talking about the daily life and having natural conversation in Chinese. These 100 Chinese action verbs are used for everyday life, they are very practical, every action verb have photo, sentence example and English subtitles. Learning these 100 Chinese action verbs first and you will quickly improve your Chinese speaking ability.
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Welcome to Mandarin4 all, this is Chunyan, Chinese language instructor, the founder of Mandarin4 all.
Learn Mandarin Chinese language with Chunyan, you can:
-- Build up the good foundation of learning Chinese
-- understand the rules of Chinese structures
-- Learn the strategy to create the Chinese vocabularies
-- Improve your Chinese speaking, listening, reading and writing skills;
-- Build HSK vocabulary and grammar from the beginning
Music: Walk
LearnChineseforbeginners # Chineseverbs #Chineseactionverbs


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