How special places make liveable cities | Antoine Zammit | TEDxUniversityofMalta

Описание к видео How special places make liveable cities | Antoine Zammit | TEDxUniversityofMalta

Ever been to that special place which makes you feel whole- which somehow enhances your being? 'There is a point,' Antoine argues, 'where you know it's love.' Unfortunately such places are becoming increasingly rare as the care and attention for social interaction makes way for profit-driven development. Antoine makes a strong case that a city may only be made liveable by human-centred practices.

An architect and urban designer by profession, Dr Antoine Zammit holds an undergraduate degree in architecture and civil engineering from the University of Malta (UoM), a post-graduate MSc degree in Town and Country Planning and a PhD research in planning and urban design, both from the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London (UCL). He has worked in private practice since 2002 on projects in Malta, Italy and the Republic of Ireland and was further a member on the Planning Appeals Board in Malta.

Today Antoine leads his architectural and urban design consultancy, studjurban, and lectures in spatial planning, urban design and urban governance at the Department of Spatial Planning and Infrastructure within the Faculty for the Built Environment, UoM.

Antoine believes that the design of meaningful, quality places for people is key to the creation of successful urban environments, which are truly liveable and which may contribute positively to individuals' quality of life.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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