Still, written and performed by Jonathan Maracle

Описание к видео Still, written and performed by Jonathan Maracle

I wrote this flute song several years ago and have played it live many times. It is from the Ohwihsha album called "The Clearing". I am using my Em flute and accompanying myself on the acoustic guitar.
I'd like to elaborate on the particular flute I'm playing.
About 200 years ago the first non native people to our area (Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory) cleared the land for farming and made cedar fences out of the trees they cut down. I have been making flutes from this wood and truly enjoy the warm tones that it brings. These flutes are truly unique in sound and beauty, I call them my Ancient Series. I have been playing this particular flute for almost 20 years and it just keeps getting better with time. I also make flutes from Red Cedar, Yellow Cedar, Sitka Spruce & some Bear Claw Sitka in a variety of keys. All instrument quality wood.


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