Maximize Earnings, Minimize Hours: Embrace Outcome-Based Pricing with Irene Diamond

Описание к видео Maximize Earnings, Minimize Hours: Embrace Outcome-Based Pricing with Irene Diamond

Discover game-changing approaches to selling sessions/services. YES, work smarter, not harder with a Results-based model. When selling services by time, instead of outcomes, we're penalized. When selling outcomes, instead of time, we're rewarded, achieving goals in fewer sessions. Learn how to Maximize earnings by embracing Outcome-Based results.

NOTED SPEAKER: Irene Diamond
Health & wellness pioneer Irene Diamond, R.T. founded the first international fitness-cruise company in 1987 and San Francisco's premier wellness center in 1995. She's the author of Design Your Dream Practice introducing: Precise Private Practice® as the "go-to" model to serve clients, gain healthcare provider referrals, and inspire clinic owners in maximizing revenues. ACTIVATED diamond includes: The Diamond Method®, rehabilitation approaches for fibromyalgia/ migraine/orthopedic pain conditions, and The Diamond Active Massage™, benefiting luxury spas/private practices.


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