Is Star Citizen Pay to Win?

Описание к видео Is Star Citizen Pay to Win?

In this video I just wanted to talk about what actually defines a Pay2Win, Pay2Skip game and what other grey zones exist within the gaming community.

There is no doubt that Star Citizen is a kickstarter funding model that has continued until this day but alot of people think its a "Store Citizen" / Pay to Win game that turns many new players away.
In this video I wanted to give a deeper look at what defines a "winning" condition in games as Star Citzien is also not your regular MMO.

Im really curious to hear your thoughts in the commets!

For the SC Community: For those who might be interested, I'm planning in the near future to create an awesome org, for both solo and group activities. But I'm still fleshing things out I will update this section once there is something more solid. :)

Once again thank you for subbing and wathcing! You guys are the best!

o7 - cya in the 'verse!


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