Robotic Knee Replacement Success by Dr. V. A. Senthil

Описание к видео Robotic Knee Replacement Success by Dr. V. A. Senthil

Mrs. Sundari Devi, a 65-year-old, endured severe knee pain and deformity for over 10 years. Her condition worsened over time, affecting both knees and leaving her reliant on a walker and walking stick for even the smallest movements. After trying multiple treatment options, including allopathy, alternative medicines, and physiotherapy, she still found no relief.

A friend’s referral led her to Dharamshila Narayana Hospital in Delhi, where she consulted Dr. V. A. Senthil, a specialist in robotic joint replacement surgery. Upon evaluation, Dr. Senthil diagnosed Mrs. Devi with grade 4 arthritis and recommended robotic knee replacement surgery as the ideal solution for her advanced condition. After understanding the benefits of this advanced surgical technique, Mrs. Devi decided to proceed with the procedure.

The results were life-changing. The surgery corrected her knee deformity and restored her independence. Today, Mrs. Sundari Devi walks confidently without any support—no walker or stick required. She is now able to perform her daily activities effortlessly and enjoy precious moments with her family, free from the pain that once defined her life.

Her inspiring journey showcases the effectiveness of robotic joint replacement surgery, proving that even severe cases of arthritis and joint deformity can be treated successfully with advanced medical technology. Thanks to the expertise of Dr. V. A. Senthil and the state-of-the-art care at Dharamshila Narayana Hospital, Mrs. Devi has regained her mobility and quality of life.

If you or someone you know is struggling with severe knee pain or arthritis, consult an expert to explore cutting-edge treatment options like robotic surgery. Begin your journey to a pain-free life today!

#RoboticKneeReplacement #Grade4Arthritis #DrVASenthil #DharamshilaNarayanaHospital #JointReplacementSuccess #KneeDeformityCorrection #ArthritisPainRelief #SeniorCitizenHealth #AdvancedMedicalTechnology


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