8 Secrets To Keep Your Lawn Always Green And Healthy

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8 Secrets To Keep Your Lawn Always Green And Healthy:

A green lawn is the perfect area for spending time outside with family and friends during the summer time.
Many homeowners works hard for a green lawn.
If you want to have a nice and green lawn, you have to follow some lawn care tips.
Here are some excellent lawn care tips, that can help keep your grass green in summer and all the year.

This process will help your lawn grass to get enough air circulation and water.

Mow Grass Appropriately:
Remove only about one-third off the top of the grass.

Keep Your Mower Blade Sharp:
Your lawn grass will tear, if your mower blade is not sharp. So keep your mower blade sharp.

Don't throw away your grass clipping. Keep them on your lawn to keep moisture.

Water and Feed Grass:
Water your lawn regularly and use fertilizer to them.

You can use herbicide to reduce crabgrass. You can also reduce them using your hand.

Pet problems:
The acid in urine makes your lawn brown. If your pet urinate on your lawn grass, flush the place with water.

Don’t Over Fertilize:
Don't use over fertilizer because it can burn your lawn.

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