We Drafted the Best Norwich Skitty Squad EVER | PPL Season 3 Draft Reveal

Описание к видео We Drafted the Best Norwich Skitty Squad EVER | PPL Season 3 Draft Reveal

The Norwich Skitty are back where we belong :]

Check out the draft review of our Season 3 team and let me know what you think of it below.

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Check out our draft and terastalisation rules on the fan draft doc:

Check out this season's coaches below:

CBAD:    / @cbad  
JRicky:    / @jricky8  
OnesieBanette:    / @onesiebanette  
Drewby:    / @drewby39  
IronBoffin:    / @ironboffin  
QtheCostaRican:    / @qthecostarican  
Elly:    / @ellysux  
Darya:    / @darya.minnemeows  
Greyvee:    / @greyveeedl  
JustWeavile:    / @justweavile  
Mathew Drafts:    / @mathewdrafts  
Mefesto:    / @donmefesto  
Mountaih:    / @mountaih  
Necrostevo:    / @necrostevo  
Nexus:    / @numbnexus  
PokeaimMD:    / @pokeaimmd  
Shroomraver:    / @shroomraver  
TheDonphanatic:    / @thedonphanatic  
TheUziGunner:    / @theuzigunner  
Vepsis:    / @vepsis  


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