PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE Part 2 - Making Sentences (Form) - Basic English Grammar

Описание к видео PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE Part 2 - Making Sentences (Form) - Basic English Grammar

In this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences in the present simple tense. Also see - MOST COMMON MISTAKES IN ENGLISH & HOW TO AVOID THEM:    • 50 MOST COMMON MISTAKES in English Gr...  

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Hi. This lesson is all
about making sentences
in the present simple
tense. I’ll show you how to
make correct sentences and
avoid mistakes in grammar
and spelling. So let’s begin.
Welcome back to my series
of lessons on the tenses.
This is part two of the
present simple tense. As
always, if you have any
questions at all, just let
me know in the comments
section below, and I will
talk to you there.
Alright, in this lesson, we
will first learn how to
make positive (or
affirmative) sentences in
the present simple tense. I
will teach you when to add
–s to a verb such as ‘He
works’, ‘She wishes’ etc.
You will also learn the
spelling rules for adding
–s to a verb. Then we’ll
look at how to make
negative sentences, and
finally we will discuss the
special case of the verb
‘be’. There are exercises
throughout this lesson, and
there’s a final quiz at the end.
OK, so how do you make a
sentence in the present
simple? I’m sure you know
the answer – you just take
a subject (like I, you, we,
they, he, she, it etc.) and
you add a verb. For
example, “I work.” And you
can add any other
information to the
sentence, like “I work as a teacher.”
You can do this with other
verbs too – “I play chess
once a week.” “I eat two
eggs for breakfast every
day.” “I love my family.”
These are all present
simple tense sentences, and
if you remember from the
previous lesson, the first
sentence is a permanent
situation, the second and
third talk about things I
do regularly (habits or
routines), and the last
sentence is a state using
the state verb ‘love’.
These are the main uses of
the present simple tense.
Now, of course, it’s easy
to make these sentences
with ‘I’ as the subject.
What about other subjects?
Well, let’s take the verb
‘work’ and try out some
other subjects. You – work.
We – work. They – work.
What about ‘Those men’?
Those men work. ‘My
friends’? Work. These
subjects are just like ‘I’.
But what happens when we
have ‘He’ as the subject?
He works. She works. It
works. That man - works.
Suzie? Works.
So you can see here that if
the subject is ‘I’, ‘You’,
‘We’, ‘They’ or any plural
noun such as ‘Those men’ or
‘My friends’ then you use
the verb in the base form
without –s. But if the
subject is ‘He’, ‘She’,
‘It’ or any singular noun
like ‘That man’ or ‘Suzie’
or any other name, then you
take the base form of the
verb and you add –s.
It’s important to know that
this –s is only used in the
present tense. It’s not
used in the past or future
– only the present. OK,
let’s now do a small
exercise with this.
There are nine sentences on
the screen. I want you to
choose the correct form of
the verb in each sentence.
Pause the video now if you
want – think about your
answers, then play the
video again and check.
Alright, let’s look at the
answers. Number one – “He
reads a lot of books.”
Number two – “Many children
play baseball.” Number
three – “You like tomato
soup.” Number four – “That
bird flies fast.” Number
five – “I teach English.”
Number six – “We live
together.” Number seven –
“She goes to college.”
Number eight – “It works
just fine.” Number nine –
“They cook very well.” Did
you get them all right?
OK, I want you to notice
something here. We’ve added
–s to some verbs. But to
the verb ‘go’, we didn’t
just add –s, we added ‘es’.
And to ‘fly’, we took out
the ‘y’ and added ‘-ies’.
Why did we do that? Well,
it’s because there are some
important spelling rules
for adding –s to a verb.
Let’s talk about those now.
To most verbs, we just add
‘s’. So verbs like ‘love’,
‘run’, ‘work’, ‘speak’,
‘want’ etc. just take an –s
at the end. To some verbs
we add ‘es’ – verbs like
‘pass’, ‘wish’, ‘search’,
‘fix’, ‘go’ and ‘do’. But
why is that? Can you guess
the rule?


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