Pancho Villa's Temple Work

Описание к видео Pancho Villa's Temple Work

This story should be a movie! Meliton Trejo was a direct descendant on the Castilian line of governors of Spain appointed by the Romans. A Sacred Vision brought him to Salt Lake City in the 1870s where he strutted about town in a Spanish officers full dress uniform attracting considerable attention. He was introduced to the gospel and baptized. He felt an urgent desire to translate the Book of Mormon into Spanish. Ten years later he presented his work as a gift to the church. Called by Brigham Young he opened proselyting in Mexico and baptized the first Mexican converts to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Mexico. He helped colonize Colonia Mexico where he met the young man who became known as Pancho Villa. This amazing story weaves the workings of the Lord's hand in bringing the Gospel to Spanish speaking saints and tells how Temple work was orchestrated from the other side of the veil for General Filipe Angeles and Pancho Villa. The Lord loves all His children.
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