Recruiting Statistics 73% Passive Job Seekers x

Описание к видео Recruiting Statistics 73% Passive Job Seekers x

One of the things that we have to look at today is the fact that it's getting harder to find top talent. And here's why… the simple truth is statistics show that 73% of job seekers today are only passively seeking another job, meaning that they're not actively going to job boards like Indeed or ZipRecruiter.

Now there's nothing wrong with job boards because you can sometimes find great talent there… but you only get the people that are actually going to those specific job boards looking for a job.

So to attract top talent you need a different strategy. You have to market for employees, That’s right, market for employees the same way that you market for customers. You have to get your information and in front of a potential candidate, whenever they're simply scrolling through their social media. They're scrolling through their news feed looking for things that are entertaining to them, and then boom… a picture of your ad that has a great offer pops up in front of them.

It not only has to “stop the scroll”, it also has to compelling enough to get them to click.

That’s why I say, “marketing for employees”, because there must be a call to action. There to be something to cause them to want to click on the ad, to find out more about it. And you have to know exactly what to say in order to get them to do that. You also have to position it as a career, not just a job and lead with benefits. Look, you don't advertise for customers saying we are only interested in working with homeowners that have at least a three bedroom, two bath home that pay their bills on time, that has a credit score of at least 700 or more, and wants us to come to their house to fix stuff.

But it seems to be that that's how most employers advertise for employees today.

They run ads that say, “we're looking for people with 24 months experience that have a journeyman ticket, or they have this experience or that experience and qualification”.

And that's not the kind of details to lead with in your ads.

You need to lead with the benefits of coming to work for your company. Get them to click on the ad and open it up.

Now it is important that they have the experience and qualifications you're looking for. But you share that after you share the benefits of the new position. When you look back at advertising for customer, the fact is you do want them to have a three bedroom, two bath home and pay their bills on time and have a, a good credit score and want you to come to fix stuff. You just don't say it that way. So we have to market for employees the way we market for customers.

You must move very quickly and have systems in place to bring them onboard. The fact is right now, only 1 in 4 workers we're not actively looking for a job when they found their current one. So passive job seekers are where you're going to find your experienced people. And they are usually the ones who are going to be less likely to be job hoppers and mist likely to want to stay with you long term. As long as they're coming into a company that has great benefits, a great culture and an employer that welcomes them and wants to provide a great environment…. they will become quality team members for the long haul.

So… if you are a Home Services company with more work than workers, check out and see how you can start finding the quality candidates to grow you business today.


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