Social Climbing

Описание к видео Social Climbing

Social climbing or Social Networking is a set of particular skills which I think Meghan has cultivated and used extensively in the last few years.

However given how ruthlessly Meghan has been in her scramble to get up the pole she has almost certainly hindered her own further progression. Meghan has openly attacked & ghosted people without the blink of an eye that helped her get to where she is today. She did all of this so out in the open, leaving a trail of destruction in her path that people have become wary of her. She has shown loyalty to no one and that does not make a good impression on people she is trying to mix with.

To be a good social climber, I think you still need to be discreet and Meghan is anything but discreet.

I think she was not invited to Barack Obama's 60th because she has shown the World how ruthless she can be. Whether you like the Obama's political views is one thing but they do show that they believe family is everything.

I think what Meghan wants is not what Meghan is going to get.


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