Employee Engagement - WHY Is Your Boat Still Sinking?

Описание к видео Employee Engagement - WHY Is Your Boat Still Sinking?

Only 32.5% of employees are currently engaged and close to 2 out of 10 are actively disengaged according to 2016 Gallup research. Since our 2014 YouTube video, "Who's Sinking Your Boat?" went viral, we simply haven't seen much improvement in employee engagement in the workplace - in spite of billions of dollars being spent on employee engagement in the workplace, and a vastly improved economy. Why you might ask? Watch our latest video "Why is Your Boat Still Sinking?" and you might just find the secrets to engagement. Based on Bob Kelleher's latest book, I-Engage, Your Personal Engagement Roadmap, and the latest employee engagement research from The Employee Engagement Group, Gallup, and many others (see sources below), we believe our latest video provides valuable insights for you personally, as well as for your organization.
Produced and written by Bob Kelleher and the team from The Employee Engagement Group™, including Liz Batchelder, Allan Benowitz, Laura Porter, and Andy Jacques. Animation by Liz Batchelder.
About Bob Kelleher
(www.BobKelleher.com) 781-281-7257
Bob Kelleher is an award winning author, speaker, thought leader, and consultant, and travels the globe sharing his insights on employee engagement, leadership, and workforce trends. Bob is the author of 4 books: the best seller LOUDER THAN WORDS: 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps... That Drive Results, CREATIVESHIP, A Novel for Evolving Leaders, EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT for Dummies, and I-ENGAGE, Your Personal Engagement Roadmap. Bob is also the President and Founder of The Employee Engagement Group.
About The Employee Engagement Group (www.EmployeeEngagement.com). 781-281-7257
We are Global leaders in Employee Engagement Surveys, Assessments (The Engagement Accelerator), Workshops, Keynotes, Consulting, and The Engagement Toolbox (where you get to own our extensive library of content).
Research sources include:
- I-Engage, Your Personal Engagement Roadmap, by Bob Kelleher, BLKB Publisher
- Gallup, State of the American Workplace Report, 2016
- What is Happiness, Learn to Be Happy In Life
- Shawn Achor, Ted Talk “The Happiness Advantage. ”
- Blessing White Research on US $ Spent on Employee Engagement
- Kenexa, Workforce Trends Report
- David and Goliath, by Malcolm Gladwell
- Deloitte’s Shift Index on Job Satisfaction Business Insider Magazine
- Harris Poll on US Happiness
- Fast Company Magazine - Creative Conversations with Mark Crowley, 2013


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