Tolkien Univerzum: Sauron | Poreklo, istorija i sudbina nakon unistenja Prstena

Описание к видео Tolkien Univerzum: Sauron | Poreklo, istorija i sudbina nakon unistenja Prstena

Tolkien Univerzum: Sauron | Poreklo i Istorija. Mracni gospodar Sauron je svakako jedna od najvaznijih figura u Srednjoj Zemlji i jedan od glavnih antagonista price Gospodar Prstenova. Intrigantno i misteriozno stvorenje o kojem se malo zna, pobudjuje mastu i interesovanje svakog ko pogleda film ili procita knjigu. U goste nam ponovo dolazi Marko Miranovic, novinar, frontmen benda Numenor i organizator festivala Epske fantasike, koji ce nam reci nesto vise o Sauronu, njegovom poreklo, istoriji i sudbini nakon desavanja u Gospodaru Prstenova.
Svaki lajk i komentar mi govore koliko su vam epizode interesantne i podstrek su da kanal raste!!!! Pratite nas i na Facebook-u gde objavljemo novosti vezane za kanal:
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Intro video, audio/video montaza i produkcija, pozadinska muzika by Fantasy Myths. Koncept kanala i epizoda by Fantasy Myths.
For non-Serbian speakers: this video deals with the storyline and lore of the game exclusively. I provide lore review and talk about the background story from my point of view.
The material in the video is for educative / informational / entertainment purposes only. All material is used following Fair use guidelines.
This video is completely unofficial. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
All other pictures are from Google / Wiki sources and belong the the respective artists, I hold no copyright over that material. Many thanks and respect to the talented people who created the amazing artworks! Since I googled for most of the images a while time ago and can't remember all the sources - if some of you great artists notice your picture being shown in the video, feel free to let me know and I will put link for your artist's page and help you promote your art!


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