[AMV] A Song of Storm and Fire: Syaoran vs. Syaoran

Описание к видео [AMV] A Song of Storm and Fire: Syaoran vs. Syaoran


Alright, so this actually wasn't a promised video, so think of it as a present. XD Anyways, if you can't follow along with the video, read this;

So, RSyaoran escaped Fei Wong, CSyaoran is affected and loses the part of the heart given to him by RSyaoran. In the midst of this, Sakura gained a feather. Basically, the beginning is like "Meet the Cast". Anyways, RSyaoran and CSyaoran meet and start fighting; it looks like CSyaoran is going to win and decides to see if he can land a critical blow, RSyaoran tries to counterattack it with his own now (note that they both have their swords out and can use some type of elemental move). RSyaoran hits CSyaoran with his lightning attack. Then RSyaoran gets hit by CSyaoran's fire attack. The attack that RSyaoran inflicted on CSyaoran seemed to actually give him the upper hand, but then CSyaoran stabs RSyaoran's leg, then leaves in front of a very confused Sakura. Later Sakura, RSyaoran and CSyaoran meet, and CSyaoran attacks. RSyaoran, in an attempt to protect Sakura, blocks the attack and protects Sakura with a wind shield. Then they start fighting again. At one point it seemed like they were at a standoff, until CSyaoran pulled a dirty trick and got the upper hand. Then, it quickly turned into another standoff, and it turns out that CSyaoran, using the magic he had gain from his blue eye, is stronger than RSyaoran. RSyaoran was inflicted with a critical blow. The wind shield disappears and Sakura races to protect RSyaoran from CSyaoran. She begs him not to do anything but CSyaoran, following Fei Wong's orders, used an attack. They were teleported to where Fai, Kurogane and the rest were and both tried to get the feather. Of course, in order to do that they both attacked, but instaed CSyaoran got Sakura instead of RSyaoran. The incident reminds RSyaoran about what had happened to his Sakura and Sakura confessed that she was also a clone (though I left that part out in the video due to not enough time), Sakura then dies and we see the reactions from both RSyaoran and CSyaoran.


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