Colloquium: Maxim Sukharev - Exciton-Plasmon Nanosystems

Описание к видео Colloquium: Maxim Sukharev - Exciton-Plasmon Nanosystems

Full Title: Exciton-Plasmon Nanosystems: Modeling, Understanding, and Predicting New Phenomena

The rapid surge in manufacturing of nanostructured materials and significant advances in optical science open a wide variety of opportunities to field-test electrodynamics at true nanoscale. In this talk I will discuss the physics and modeling aspects of so-called hybrid nanomaterials, i.e. systems comprised of molecules and plasmon-sustaining structures such as metal nanoparticles, arrays thereof, periodic arrays of nano-holes, etc. We will discuss the major theoretical research tool, namely coupled Maxwell-Liouville-von Neumann equations and their validity. I will demonstrate several interesting phenomena ranging from dipole induced electromagnetic transparency through collective exciton resonances to nonlinear spectroscopy.


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