AGDQ 2020 - Funny Moments + Highlights + Cringe

Описание к видео AGDQ 2020 - Funny Moments + Highlights + Cringe

I have started releasing these compilations the day that the event finishes, subscribe to get the first compilation on YouTube! AGDQ2021 video is now live!

This is a compilation of funny moments, cringey moments, and epic moments from Awesome Games Done Quick 2020. It's hard to keep up with every single thing that happens, but when I couldn't watch the stream I would try keep up with what people are clipping / talking about, however there will for sure be things I missed, so sorry if there something missing you were hoping to see.

Feel free to check out my channel, I haven't made many videos yet but I do have some more speedrun based video ideas in the works, if you have any ideas yourself don't hesitate to let me know, I'm open to suggestions!


#GamesDoneQuick #AGDQ2020 #highlights


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