Another Brick in the wall- Bipolar Shadows | Progressive Metal Version |VBOTB Performance

Описание к видео Another Brick in the wall- Bipolar Shadows | Progressive Metal Version |VBOTB Performance

we are so excited to share this version of another brick in the wall with you all, we pushed ourself for this competition to our extreme and the journey will be remembered for a lifetime.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Organisers of the VBOTB S1.
‪@SunilShakyaNGT‬ ‪@PEPPERBOX83‬ ‪@SangeetPathshala‬ ‪@mimpaustralia5100‬ ‪@WAKAW‬ ‪@swapnilsharmasings‬ and ‪@anomalysounddesigns521‬ ‪@rajivkhadka2745‬ and all others who were involved in the competition.

We learned a lot 😇

Recorded at ‪@anomalysounddesigns521‬

Thanks Akash Da



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