Ancient wisdom: round splitting wedges = better.

Описание к видео Ancient wisdom: round splitting wedges = better.

Shut up and read, stupid.
To you keyboard toughguys who are about to laugh and tell me to keep practicing, real success in log splitting comes from being able to make your misses still work for you. Developing solid technique is all about economy. Economy means waste management, or making use of what you've got.

This means that if you're off but still gaining ground, then you are still advancing through your problem. And while those of you monkeys who don't know what the ƒ∩¢ꞣ I'm talking about are still going to laugh like a bunch of jocks who just threw a turd in the pool, it'll be to your own depreciation that you can't make use of what I'm saying, since economy applies to every aspect of our lives; from conserving dish soap to minimizing interest paid, our 'success' in life is nothing more than a satisfactory evaluation of our present state, and in every case, that state is the result of past decisions. Tell me: overall, is your line going up or down right now? Still waiting to win big? Well, it's not about getting big hits—it's about how to also make use of little setbacks.
~ O V E R the F U L L C O U R S E of T I M E ~

Epoxy rope axe guard:
►   • Axe handle guard = Rope + Epoxy  


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