Soldiers To Be 1999

Описание к видео Soldiers To Be 1999

In 1999 I appeared in the BBC documentary series SOLDIERS TO BE. The program takes place in two locations Infantry Training Centre Catterick (ITC Catterick) following the phase two Combat infantrymen Course and Royal Logistics Corps (RLC )Training Regiment and Depot Deepcut, Where teaching phase two Army Recruits some very Basic Survival Training as part of team building exercise.
As an Army combat Survival instructor, I did courses in both the UK and Australia in addition to training in places like US, Central America and Russian & Siberia.
I left the British Army in 2002 and now make my living Consulting and Training on Safety & Security matters where I have worked in such diverse places like Japan, Vietnam, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq.
Survival Training reduces the fear of the unknown and gives you self-confidence, it teaches you to live by your wits.


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