“Journeys with Paul” Session 2 - Neapolis (Kavala)

Описание к видео “Journeys with Paul” Session 2 - Neapolis (Kavala)

Welcome to this new series called “Journeys with Paul.” This series is recorded in Greece as we retrace the footsteps and ministry of the Apostle Paul. Each session is recorded on location. The teacher in this series is Rev. Dr. John DeLancey, the Founder & Director of Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours (BIMT).

This is Session #2 and it is recorded in the ancient city of Neapolis (modern Kavala). The Apostle Paul sailed into the ancient port following his “Macedonian Vision” he received from God at Troas (in Turkey today. Paul faithfully responded to the call to take the Good News of Christ to Europe! The length of this session is 5 minutes long.

Watch for more videos in this new series recorded in Greece about Paul’s missionary journeys. Each session is between 5-15 minutes long and includes a life lesson and a word of encouragement to your own walk of faith with God!

Please subscribe to this channel and share this video with your family and friends. If you are interested in going on a biblical, non-touristy trip to Israel, Greece, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, or Italy, visit our web site at www.biblicalisraeltours.com and check out the “Upcoming Tours” page. We welcome you to join us!

Blessings in Christ!


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