Superweedman makes Slauson Supersoil 2015

Описание к видео Superweedman makes Slauson Supersoil 2015

Another recipe. Slauson Supersoil.

one bail pro mix bx (3.8 cf) 70% peat moss 30% perlite
one bag coco coir (1.7)
or one bail of canadian peat moss (3.8cf) one bag of coco coir (1.7cf) and a bag of perlite (1.7cf) instead of the promix
two smaller bags of earthworm castings (1.7)
1 small bag of pumice
7 cups ff peace of mind or organicare pure
2.5 cups fast acting pelletized lime
1.25 cups blood meal
1.25 cups feather meal
5 cups fish bone meal
2.5 cups bulb food
1.25 cups soft rock phosphate
2.5 cups kelp meal
5 cups alfalfa meal
12 cups steer manure

and if you can find these and want to add some extras then these are perfect but i dont find them all mandatory.

2.5 cups greensand
5 cups oyster shells
2.5 cups dolomite lime
2.5 cups gypsum
2.5 cups azomite
2.5 cups epsom salts
5 cups humic acid ore
1 cup high nitrogen bat guano

sprinkle mykos at the bottom of the root hole in each pot

let cook for 20-30 days or more. water with chlorine free water and turn every day to every few days. cooks faster in the sun. fills up a big kiddie pool. no nutes necessary, just water and a few AACT's. once at beginning of veg and once at at beginning of flower or every third watering. teas have ewc, alaskan humus, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, seaweed extract, fish hydrosylate, humic acid, mollasses


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