班兰椰香燕菜糕,非常值得推薦的消暑聖品 Pandan Coconut Jelly

Описание к видео 班兰椰香燕菜糕,非常值得推薦的消暑聖品 Pandan Coconut Jelly

"我们的视频着重展示美食制作过程,所有食材的来源都符合合法和道德标准。" 成为此频道的会员支持傻大姐创作:
   / @shadajie-kitchen  

模具:1个长方模 21x15x6cm



45克 糖
2茶匙 燕菜粉 (6克)
1 茶匙 粟米粉
200毫升清水+ 200毫升香兰水
*將細砂糖,燕菜粉 ,粟米粉混合均勻,全部材料煮滾,備用 。

45克 糖
2茶匙 燕菜粉 (6克)
1茶匙 粟米粉
200毫升 清水
200毫升 椰漿
1/4 茶匙 鹽
1-2片 斑蘭葉( 打結 )
*將細砂糖,燕菜粉 ,粟米粉混合均勻,先煮滾, 接著再徐徐倒入濃椰漿再次煮成微滾, 熄火,備用。(椰漿不要煮大滾,會出油哦。鍋邊冒小泡就可以了)


Pandan Coconut Jelly

The hot weather is really overwhelming! I made this Pandan Coconut Agar-Agar today, it is most suitable for family and children to enjoy together! It is a very recommended summer sanctuary.

Mold: 1 rectangular mold 21x15x6cm

Pandan Juice:
200ml water + 8 pandan leaves (blended into juice, strained)

Pandan Transparent Jelly Ingredients:

45g sugar
2 tsp agar-agar powder (6g)
1 tsp cornflour
200ml water + 200ml pandan water
*Mix the caster sugar, agar-agar powder and corn flour evenly, bring all the ingredients to a boil and set aside.

Coconut Jelly Ingredients:
45g sugar
2 tsp agar-agar powder (6g)
1 teaspoon corn flour
200ml water
200ml coconut milk
1/4 tsp salt
1-2 pieces pandan leaves (knotted)
*Mix sugar, agar-agar powder and corn flour evenly, bring to a boil first, then slowly pour in coconut milk and bring to a boil again, turn off the heat and set aside. (Don’t bring the coconut milk to a boil, as it will produce oil. It’s fine to have small bubbles on the side of the pot)

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[email protected]

Thank you 😊☺️😘😘

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