DBP Swine R3 Credit Program - Regular Developmental Loans

Описание к видео DBP Swine R3 Credit Program - Regular Developmental Loans

Ready to give your hog-raising business a boost?

DBP offers a special credit window that complements the National Government’s efforts in the recovery and repopulation of the local swine industry through the financing of medium and large scale swine projects that will contribute to continued availability of pork and pork products in the market.

The Swine Repopulation, Rehabilitation and Recovery Credit Program (Regular Developmental Loans) is available to duly registered private enterprises and local government units (LGUs) for the following eligible projects:
1. Breeder farm
2. Wean-to-finish farm
3. Consolidated facility/clustered farm
4. Processing plant
5. Cold storage facility
6. Conversion/Upgrading of existing farm/facility to comply with biosecurity requirements
7. Feeds manufacturing
8. Other projects as evaluated by DBP that can be covered by the Swine R3 Credit Program

To learn more about this program, visit the DBP website: https://www.dbp.ph/developmental-bank...

#DBPSwineR3 #WeBuildPossibilities


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