Eyeball Removal Explained By A Veterinarian for the Pet Parent

Описание к видео Eyeball Removal Explained By A Veterinarian for the Pet Parent

Hi Everyone,

Today I am talking about enucleation or eyeball removal in the dog. Eyeballs are removed on a regular basis in the veterinary world. This is because everything from glaucoma or damaged eyes from trauma or infection may lead to your veterinarian recommending the eyeball to be removed.

The veterinarian will first put your pet or dog under general anesthesia. This will also for them to do the procedure without your dog experience any pain. After surgery, your vet will provide different medications for pain and inflammation.

The veterinarian will remove the whole eye including the eyelids and tear glands around the eye.

By removing the eye, the dog can now be pain from from whatever underlying problem was causing pain to the bad eye. If an eye is not visual or causing chronic pain, your veterinarian and you should talk over if eyeball removal is the right call for your dog.

Disclaimer: This video does not replace veterinary care. This video is only for education and entertainment purposes; always consult your veterinarian if you pet is sick.


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