These Are The World's Most Fascinating Religious Relics

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In religion, something that once belonged to a saint or other holy person can become a thing of reverence. These religious relics can be anything, from an average, everyday towel to a person’s actual body parts. And although the most commonly known relics might belong to Christianity, they can actually be found across all religions.
You’re probably already familiar with several famous objects, like Jesus’ burial shroud or the nails from the Crucifixion, but there are plenty more around the world that are stranger than expected. From the Virgin Mary’s breast milk to the Buddha’s teeth, these are the world's most fascinating religious relics.

#Religion #Relics #History

The skull of Saint Valentine | 0:00
Ever-expanding tooth of the Buddha | 1:07
The heart of Saint Camillus | 2:25
Saint Anthony’s jaw, tongue, and vocal cords | 3:21
The Mandylion | 4:08
Muhammad’s beard | 5:11
The blood of Saint Januarius | 6:12
Saint Catherine’s head | 7:18
The many parts of Saint Clare | 8:23
Milk of the Virgin Mary | 9:22
Muhammad’s footprints | 10:22

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