How to make homemade Bresaola 

Описание к видео How to make homemade Bresaola 

This is a very simple Bresaola recipe. Literally just salt cured and hung to dry and age. There are a million different ways to make this. You can coat it with pepper, juniper berries, fennel seed, Bayleaf, coriander, And a bunch of other different spices. You can also soak it in wine after being cured before hanging. And most of my videos on cured meats I like to explain the parameter Settings in my curing chamber but that segment of the video was lost so I’ll just verbally explain that real quick.

I use mini fridges with temperature Controls which the mini fridge is plugged into and the gauge is wired to the sides. And I place a container of salt water and a container of dry salt towards the back to create a balance of humidifying and dehumidifying. This will produce between 75% and 80% humidity. The temperature is set at 55°F. 
The white mold that you see on the finished product is called Penicillium Nalgeovense and it is not harmful. In fact it fights off other molds like black mold.

Below I will post a link to The sausage maker where I like to buy most of my casings such as collagen sheets like the one I used in the video


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