Battle Cats: Heaven and Hell

Описание к видео Battle Cats: Heaven and Hell

why beat okame this late in ul? well, i dont have uril. have you ever tried playing a relic bun level aside from an ancient curse without cc? if you have, you can see why naga is absolutely mandatory for 2 levels (3 if aven-jazz cafe wasnt cheeseable). relic bun is an absolute menace, the bane of low level erasers. not even level 50 future cat can save you this time.

anyway, okame. we all know that his levels are a bit underwhelming in general thanks to talented heavy assault and dancer plus slime, but his wrath level becomes a little tougher without heavy assault talented. i do have talented heavy assault, but for the sake of argument ul is beatable without him so theres absolutely no reason to eat up 325 np and catseyes to get a consistent okame counter for 2 levels.

it takes some work to finagle courier up to okame, and youll need roes weaken as well as a defense combo so courier can tank an okame hit, but if your levels allow you to do this youll have a much better chance at winning. bahamut and idi can cover the gory waves (you will likely have idi since theres no reason to do this until khao man guys, or at all if you have uril), bear is for the startoff and extra insurance. cyberpunk is for cc. i wouldnt say courier powercrept okame, but hes a nice alternative to talented heavy assault here.

i want to take the time to talk about boosting roe. see, the only absolutely mandatory level where the general consensus is having a boosted roe is on queen v’s stage. but, courier definitely powercrept that should you have eye of the storm or lil cat combos, and a level 30 roe would save you the trouble of spamming riceball to meatshield. so in the end, boosting roe isnt mandatory, but i did it ahead of time, not really knowing (and for prisoners progress, which i believe will get powercrept by that anti zombie egg unit, who i think costs 1215¢)

roe 43 (cost down 5)
bear, courier 50
bullet 49
bahamut, idi 40
cyberpunk 30 (slow up, cost down, survive 10)


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