The magic of Bulgarian voices & music - Galina Durmushliiska Prochu se moma Manolka2

Описание к видео The magic of Bulgarian voices & music - Galina Durmushliiska Prochu se moma Manolka2

Volume II of LE MYSTERE DES VOIX BULGARES won a Grammy Award for a "Best Traditional Folk Recording" in 1990, In 1994 the CD named "Ritual" was nominated for Grammy award in class "Folklore".
Bulgarian folk singers whose eerie harmonies, whoops, hollers and rhythmic complexity meld into an unforgettable performance
"...when they open their voices out come timeless melodies and rich, strange harmonies that make every hair on your body stand on end."
I haven't heard anything so astounding before and I think justifiably appropriate..Hypnotic, transcendent, eerie, jubilant beautiful


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