3 Hours of Reddit Stories - My Husband Is Convinced I Am Pregnant. I’m Not, But He Won’t Believe Me.

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3 Hours of Reddit Stories - My Husband Is Convinced I Am Pregnant. I’m Not, But He Won’t Believe Me.
My Husband Is Convinced I Am Pregnant. I’m Not, But He Won’t Believe Me. What Should I Do?
The story begins with OP sharing a distressing situation where her husband becomes convinced she is pregnant, despite her repeated assurances that she is not. The couple, who plan to have children in the future, haven’t started trying yet. After a casual conversation where OP mentioned feeling tired, her husband inexplicably fixated on the idea that she was pregnant. Despite OP taking a pregnancy test that came back negative and showing it to him, he refused to believe it, dismissing the result as potentially inaccurate. His reaction included giving OP the silent treatment and shutting her out whenever she tried to discuss the matter.

The situation escalated when her husband placed his hand on her stomach, leading OP to confront him. She expressed fear and frustration, calling his behavior crazy, which resulted in him sleeping in the guest room and avoiding communication. Concerned and confused, OP considered reaching out to his parents or seeking professional help, as her husband’s actions were entirely out of character for the kind and loving man she knew.

Things took a darker turn when OP attempted to have a serious conversation with her husband, trying to reassure him that while she wanted children in the future, she was not currently pregnant. His response was hostile, accusing her of lying and trying to keep their non-existent baby away from him. His behavior became more erratic, and OP began to feel physically unsafe. This culminated in a physical altercation where her husband harmed her, leading her to leave home and stay with her mother, while her husband’s parents took over caring for him.

OP, now staying with her mother, felt a mix of fear and sorrow. She missed her husband, who seemed like a different person due to whatever was affecting him. Eventually, her husband agreed to seek medical help after significant pressure from both families. The diagnosis was shocking: her husband had a brain tumor. This news brought clarity but also immense guilt for OP, who hadn’t considered a medical issue as the cause of his behavior.

Her husband is now under the care of a team of neurosurgeons and oncologists, with an uncertain prognosis. Despite the terrifying situation, OP continues to support her husband, cherishing the moments when he’s himself, while fearing what lies ahead. She ends by expressing gratitude for the advice and support she received, acknowledging that without it, she might not have sought help in time.
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