Land survey app that works! - Nothing to do with accuracy

Описание к видео Land survey app that works! - Nothing to do with accuracy

A land survey app that works is very important if you want to start land surveying.

There is a big misunderstanding though. A land survey app has no influence on the accuracy of the results.

A land survey app is part of a complete GPS surveying kit. And every item of the complete GPS surveying kit has its purpose. The external GNSS receiver takes care of the accuracy of the position.

A land survey app that works takes care of how you can use that position. And Apglos Survey Wizard is a land survey app that works.

You can map objects with it, like points, lines, arcs, polylines and polygons. But you can also stake out those objects.

Another thing that a land survey app that works needs is a good transformation from latitude, longitude to an x-coordinate and a y coordinate or northing and easting.

Also the file formats say a lot about if a land survey app works or not.

But the main thing for a land survey app that works is that it can connect well to an external GNSS receiver so that you can get accurate results.

You can download Apglos Survey Wizard from the Google Play Store:

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To connect a GNSS receiver to land survey app Apglos Survey Wizard we use the free app Apglos Config Wizard. You can download this free app from the Google Play Store:

Apglos created this video. Apglos is a software development company. And we developed the easiest land survey app. It is Apglos Survey Wizard.


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