Cricket ScoreBoard Part 2 | One Man's Stream Episode 51 | vMix and vMix UTC Tutorial

Описание к видео Cricket ScoreBoard Part 2 | One Man's Stream Episode 51 | vMix and vMix UTC Tutorial

Today we continue with our Cricket Scoreboard themed tutorial series. Our attention turns to the vMix UTC portion of the process. We discuss the widgets used to create each individual component and finish up with an example of score button automation. With amount of material remaining to be covered we will probably add two more tutorials to this series. We again reached out to viewers and subscribers for help and alerted followers of the Discord group onemansstream that has been created for this project.

vMix UTC:

vMix UTC is a FREE companion software for vMix and be downloaded at the above link.

vMix UTC download and installation Tutorial:
   • VMix UTC Download and Installation | ...  

vMix UTC Basics Tutorial:
   • vMix UTC BASICS  | One Man's Stream E...  

Please send comments or help suggestions to [email protected] and write CRICKET HELP in the subject line.


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