[1x01-6x22] Damon & Elena - How they fell in love with each other

Описание к видео [1x01-6x22] Damon & Elena - How they fell in love with each other

Edit należy do iforeveryooung (YouTube)
Już dawno zniknął z internetu, ale osobiście uważam, że to najpiękniejszy edit o nich, jaki ktokolwiek kiedykolwiek zrobił i zasługuje na to, by ludzie nadal go oglądali ♥️

W piękny sposób pokazuje ich historię i to, za co fani tak bardzo ich pokochali.

ENG: The edit belongs to iforeveryooung (YouTube)
It's long since disappeared from the internet, but I personally think it's the most beautiful edit about them that anyone has ever made and deserves for people to continue watching it ♥️

It shows their story in a beautiful way and what fans have come to love them so much for.

#tvd #tvdfamily #thevampirediaries #thevampirediariesedits #delenaforever #delena #delenaedit #teamdelena #damonsalvatore


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