Inspiring Future Generation of Swimmers - Danny Yeo

Описание к видео Inspiring Future Generation of Swimmers - Danny Yeo

Having won 13 SEA Games, 3 Asian Games medals from 2011 to 2017, Danny Yeo is a swimmer synonymous with fierce determination and a great comeback. He has trained and competed at the highest levels of elite swimming in Singapore, South East Asia and Asia.

For someone who started relatively late in the game, he has accomplished a great deal. He has missed some critical milestones including the opportunity to qualify for the 2016 Rio Olympics due to a bout with dengue. But it never stopped him from making the all-important comeback.

You are about to hear from this great athlete about his trials and tribulations. You'll also hear from close friends, former coaches, and corporate partner.

You'll hear Danny Yeo, who shares how he came to dominate the sport of swimming – and the setbacks he faced along the way.
Danny has trained and competed in the swimming pool since 17 years old, and he spent the rest mastering the sport through hard work and determination, intense focus, and an unwavering trust in his coaches and the Association.

Danny also opens up about his unique relationship with his dad and how he has molded him into a great athlete, but who also played an essential role in his emotional upbringing.

Now, Danny's life is far different from what it once was. He's not planning on another comeback – He will share how the Association has helped him transition from Athlete to Coach. It is also a story about how the Association sustains the success story of one its champions. To leverage his experiences and coaching know-how to inspire a new generation of swimmers. That's a comeback that's bigger than winning a gold medal.


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