মহাদেব কেন শ্মশানে বাস করেন? | শিব ঠাকুরের গল্প | Lord Shiva Stories In Bengali | Alpo Golpo.

Описание к видео মহাদেব কেন শ্মশানে বাস করেন? | শিব ঠাকুরের গল্প | Lord Shiva Stories In Bengali | Alpo Golpo.

মহাদেব কেন শ্মশানে বাস করেন?

Smashana is generally loathed, nay, feared by people. The reason is, Smashana has an ethos of death around it. But people fail to understand that Smashana is the very place wheresoul attains liberation from body; the body itself gets purified by fire and thus reduced to elements. So Smashana is the gateway of liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Lord Shiva is Mahamrityunjay, Pashupati and Parameshvara. It is Him who liberates. So why won't He haunt Smashana?

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