Infinite rockets in minecraft?

Описание к видео Infinite rockets in minecraft?

⛏️G'day everyone! Welcome to my new series, Survival Let's Play! In this series we are just going to take it slow, take it chill and enjoy the process of building and creating in the wonderful world of Minecraft!⛏️

⭐In today's episode, we use the NEW 1.21 BLOCKS! More specifically the AUTO CRAFTERS! We also tackle the smallest build in the survival world but try to jam as much details into it as possible AND make a surprisingly efficient Creeper Farm. STAY TUNED! ⭐

I look forward to growing our channel together and seeing where we can take this amazing series! THANK YOUI!


Sugarcane farm used:
   • Sugar Cane Farm! Compact, Lossless, E...  

Mod Pack used:

All music has been paid and sourced from 🎶


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