Venice is NOT a floating city! Here is how it was built. SUB ITA

Описание к видео Venice is NOT a floating city! Here is how it was built. SUB ITA

Venice is a unique city, if you think how it can hold up its palaces, its imposing churches and bell towers without sinking. For its construction, whether it was a building, small or large, the city had to deal with water, saltiness, mud and sand and from these elements the Venetians succeeded with their ingenuity to build a miracle of engineering and stone.

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Venezia è una città unica nel suo genere, se pensate come fa a reggersi senza che sprofondino i suoi palazzi, le sue imponenti chiese ed i campanili. Per la sua costruzione, che fosse un edificio, piccolo o grande, la città ha dovuto fare i conti con l’acqua, la salsedine, il fango e la sabbia e da questi elementi i veneziani riuscirono con il loro ingegno a costruire un miracolo d'ingegneria e pietra


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