WooCommerce POS Barcode Inventory Management Plugin - Working

Описание к видео WooCommerce POS Barcode Inventory Management Plugin - Working

POS Barcode Inventory Management for WooCommerce quite beneficial for the admin as it reduces the workload of the admin. The admin can directly scan the product and manage the inventory likewise.

This way the admin will not have to manage the inventory manually which saves time. The merchants or store owners can now manage the stock products in a more convenient way.

For more information, check the links mentioned below -

1. Store Link - [ https://codecanyon.net/item/pos-barco... ].
2. User Guide - [ https://webkul.com/blog/pos-barcode-i... ].
3. Live Demo - [ https://wordpressdemo.webkul.com/wp-p... ].

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1. Email Us - [ [email protected] ].
2. Raise a Ticket via our HelpDesk system - [ https://webkul.uvdesk.com ].
3. Contact Us Link - [ https://www.webkul.com/contacts ].
4. Live Chat Link - [ https://webkul.chatwhizz.com/wkcs/cha... ].

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