Many Vacancies||Social Work,public health, Development studies, Social work, Mental health Job

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INDIA SMART CITIES FELLOWSHIP 2021||National Institute of Urban Affairs_MH&UA,GOI||60K amount

Intern vacancy||Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs,GOI||TULIP(The Urban Learning Internship Prog)
   • Intern vacancy||Ministry of Housing a...  

Center Administrator/Case worker/Counselor Vacancy||Government of Jharkhand||one stop Center- MW&CD
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Professors, Associate Professors & Assistant Professors||G.D. Goenka University (GDGU)||MSW UGC-NET
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Project Manager/DPM vacancy||J&K Rural Livelihood Mission_DAY-NRLM || MSW job
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Intern Vacancy||National Institute of Urban Affairs||MSW/Social Science job
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Program Intern Vacancy||National Institute
Urban Affairs||Jan 2021UCms95NMVJqfu1ZFgV0PFz9w

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Prof./ Associate Prof/Assistant Prof vacancy||AKS University Satna||Social Work

CSR Associate || Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Ltd || MSW job
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Field Investigators || ICSSR-IMPRESS funded project || Indira Gandhi National Open University||MSW
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MSW Job vacancy || National Institute of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease
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MCQs Part-2 ||UGC-NET/JRF || Social Work( Code-10)
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MCQs Part-1||UGC-NET/JRF || Social Work( Code-10)
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Assistant professor vacancy. West Bengal College Service Commission,Jan 2021
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10 International NGO working on Human Rights
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Difference between sustainable development Goals and Millenium Development Goals
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strategy for cracking UGC-NET JUNE 2021
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Difference between Questionnaire and schedule
data collection in research
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Difference between Sex and Gender
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Difference between Undernutrition and Malnutrition
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जानिए आपने ग्राम पंचायत में कितना काम हुआ? मनरेगा में आपका नाम check kre
   • जानिए आपके ग्राम पंचायत में क्या काम ...  


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