Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) | The Coolest Plant Ever | Sunflower Companion |

Описание к видео Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) | The Coolest Plant Ever | Sunflower Companion |

The focus of this video is the Jerusalem artichoke ( sunchoke and Sunroot). It's a floral delight and a culinary favorite for Native American peoples and Europeans alike, and it has risen to global recognition.

The Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) is the coolest plant ever . It makes a great sunflower Companion.

It is easy to grow and disease-free through heat and drought.
Do not plant sunchokes in a standard garden bed, field, or anywhere else you might like to grow other plants.

The sunroots will grow during the Spring and summer and reach their full height of about 10-12 feet in September. That's when they get flowers, too. They attract beneficial insects.

You could plant squash, beans, cucumber, peas, and shade-loving plants such as kale among the Jerusalem artichoke plant. Here I have yam vines running on the plant.

We eat the seeds with the common sunflower, but we eat the roots or tubers with the Jerusalem Artichoke.

The tubers are tasty. Do not let the look of the knobby tubers fool you. Prepare this vegetable, roasted, fried, boiled, steamed, or grilled. Add salt, onion, garlic, chives, and thyme.

I will place the harvested roots in pots for distribution. Those remaining in the ground will sprout during the Spring after the frosts and with warmer temperatures. It's an excellent candidate for a permaculture garden, and it has the desired qualities. They are perennials, low-maintenance, drought-tolerant, highly productive, disease-resistant, and attractive to beneficial insects.


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