<FLUXUS MEDIA OPERA>Mieko Shiomi, at Xebec Hall, Kobe 1994・7・24 <フルクサス・メディア・オペラ> 塩見允枝子 ジーベック・ホール 神戸

Описание к видео <FLUXUS MEDIA OPERA>Mieko Shiomi, at Xebec Hall, Kobe 1994・7・24 <フルクサス・メディア・オペラ> 塩見允枝子 ジーベック・ホール 神戸


主催:ジーベック   企画・構成:塩見允枝子    コンピュータ:佐近田展康
映像:森下明彦     監督:下田展久        撮影・編集:久保憲二

This concert had two purposes. One was to realize the simple Fluxus scores with the electronic technology in 90s, and the second was to have a remote festival with foreign Fluxus members by inviting scores, sound sources and videos, as well as performing together through the international telephone. We formed a team with several members to discuss how to realize the scores. About 30 candidates gathered as performers through the newsletter from Xebec. I picked up more than 40 pieces, and arranged them so that always two or three pieces were simultaneously performed. At the present time, we might be able to do more technically advanced realizations, but this trial was our best in that era supported by many people’s enthusiasm, so I belatedly decided to disclose it. Please forgive the poor quality of the images, as they are from the video tape recorded nearly 30 years ago. (Mieko Shiomi)

Production: Xebec Organization & Arrangement: Mieko Shiomi 
Computer: Nobuyasu Sakonda Video Image: Akihiko Morishita
Direction: Nobuhisa Shimoda Video Documentation: Kenji Kubo


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