It's Not Clickbait, These Realizations MASSIVELY Changed my Shopping Habits

Описание к видео It's Not Clickbait, These Realizations MASSIVELY Changed my Shopping Habits

Ok but seriously this may be my most "important" or helpful video to date? (For those who want to change a shopping addictionn or habit). You can let me know what you think!

0:00 week 30, let's stop shopping
0:19 you have to disrupt THIS cycle
1:11 FIRSTLY, stop seeing things
1:44 turning away from the not-so-smart-PHONE
2:28 why is this actually effective?
3:01 this channel's trajectory is proof
4:29 SECONDLY, use knowledge as a kind of shopping vaccine
5:28 every brand is creating the same thing
6:20 some of the categories of "information to arm yourself with"
6:57 the "moral" concerns/information
9:10 practical example when I think about my wardrobe
9:53 something lighter, the fantasy of shopping
10:29 actually having and using something isn't the fun of shopping
10:52 compare this to other hobbies - you continue to do them
12:04 if shopping is a hobby for you...maybe stop haha
12:20 but the thing is I didn't realize that it WAS a hobby for me!
13:08 where I'M at with my advice right now
13:48 if you want to change YOUR shopping, try it with me?
15:10 ok one more "easy" way to stop shopping?? get rid of your $

#nobuy #nobuyyear #overconsumption #shopping #shoppingaddiction #shopaholic #lifechanging


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