First Papal Message of His Holiness Pope Peter III to the World

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His Holiness Pope Peter III addresses the Marian Apparitions relating to the Last Times. He warns once again about the apostasy within the Church in Rome, the presence of Antipopes after the death of Saint Paul VI, martyr of the Vatican, and of how its ministers are now leading the faithful astray towards the loss of traditions by way of liturgical celebrations that have lost the essence of catholic tradition, turning into what are more like shows than acts of faith.
In addition, His Holiness warns about future events in the Church mentioning the Apparitions of Palmar de Troya and the heavenly visions of Clemente Domínguez, subsequently Pope Gregory XVII.
His Holiness reveals details which highlight that we are on the way to the Third World War, pointing out the expansion of communism and the growing moral and religious corruption which can be seen at the present time, prophesies revealed by the Most Holy Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, and in La Salette in 1846.
At the end of the first papal message, His Holiness emphasizes that the Church in Rome has apostatized from the Catholic faith, while the True Church of Christ is to be found now in Palmar de Troya. This is where the Vicar of Christ, His Holiness Pope Peter III, with determination, leads the battle against error and apostasy which affect all those who proclaim to be ‘catholics’.

Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face in company with Jesus and Mary.
Official video of the Holy Palmarian Church.

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Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face in the Company of Jesus and Mary.

Official video of the Holy Palmarian Church.
Avenida de Jerez 51, El Palmar de Troya,
41719, Seville, Spain.


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