Sindhi Nationalism | Past, Present and Future | Session |

Описание к видео Sindhi Nationalism | Past, Present and Future | Session |

In this session, there was a discussion about the past and present of Sindh’s National Politics and the future of National Politics. The movements for the right of the language, land, water, and mineral resources were also discussed.

The leader of Sindh United Party, Syed Zain Shah was asked as to why the nationalists of Sindh were standing away from the political circle of Islamabad. He answered, “This is a fight to gain power; and the electoral system has been held in hostage for a long time. The powerful forces elect whoever they want to be elected and see in power.” He further said that the day the election system had been fair, the real representatives of the people from the four provinces would be successful and they would change the political scene of the country.”

Awami Tahreek Leader, Sajjad Chandio said, “we are not uninterested and indifferent to the country’s politics. National politicians of Sindh do raise their voices on the real issues of the country. When Pakistan became a partner with the USA in the war on terror against Afghanistan, the biggest opposition came from Sindh. When General Ayub Khan gave away the rivers to India, the biggest opposition had come from Sindh.”

Dr. Asm Faiz, Lahore based writer of a book, ‘In Search of Lost Glory: Sindhi Nationalism in Pakistan’, said that while writing her book, she was figuring out that why the people of Sindh were continuously angry. Elaborating the same, she said that Sindh was an autonomous region before the partition, but after the formation of the country, when pledged autonomy was not given to it. She listed out the qualms of Sindh: the city of Karachi was taken away from people of Sindh, one unit was imposed on Sindh, language was taken away from them, identity was taken away from them, and lands were handed over to the people of other provinces; and water was seized, that was why the people of Sindh were angry and their anger seemed to be justified. She said, “As long as such problems are attached with Sindh, Sindh’s National Politics will continue.”

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