How to get rid of Bad Breath | Halitosis Cure | Bad breath - Permanent cure

Описание к видео How to get rid of Bad Breath | Halitosis Cure | Bad breath - Permanent cure

How to get rid of Bad Breath | Halitosis Cure | Bad breath - Permanent cure | bad breath treatment | reasons for bad breath

Halitosis is an unpleasant or offensive odour, emanating from the oral cavity. In approximately 80% of all cases, halitosis is caused by degradation of food debris, cells, saliva & blood in oral cavity by microbes and production of volatile sulfur compounds.

Common reasons for bad breath:

Morning breath:

Halitosis is most commonly noted upon waking up from sleep in morning. This malodor is usually caused by low salivary flow, lack of oral hygiene and/or breathing through the mouth.

However, for most individuals, the odor has no special significance, as it is resolved with brushing, flossing, eating and/or drinking water.

If, the halitosis is not resolved by simple personal hygiene habits, it, usually indicates an infection in the mouth (caries or periodontal disease) or other factors such as gross dental neglect, smoking or xerostomia (dry mouth).

Poor dental hygiene:

The most likely cause of oral malodour is the accumulation of food debris and dental plaque on the teeth and tongue, resulting from poor oral hygiene and resultant gingival (gingivitis) and periodontal (periodontitis) inflammation.

Bacteria breaks down food particles trapped in the mouth. The combination of the bacteria and decaying food in your mouth produces an unpleasant odour. Brushing and flossing regularly removes trapped food before it decays.

Brushing also removes plaque, a sticky substance that builds up on your teeth and causes odor. Plaque buildup can cause cavities and periodontal disease. Bad breath also can be a problem if you wear dentures and don’t clean them every night.

Sinus, mouth, or throat conditions:

Bad breath odor may develop if you have:
a sinus infection
postnasal drainage
chronic bronchitis
an infection in your upper or lower respiratory system
Tonsil stones, which tend to collect bacteria, can also be a source of bad breath.

Dry mouth:

Dry mouth can also occur if you don’t produce enough saliva. Saliva helps keep your mouth clean & moist and reduces odor.

Dry mouth can be a problem if you have a salivary gland condition, or you sleep with your mouth open, or take certain medications, including those that treat high blood pressure and urinary conditions.


Smoking cigarettes or cigars causes a bad odor and dries out your mouth, which can make your breath odor even worse.

Food and Beverages:

When you eat onions, garlic, or other foods with strong odors, your stomach absorbs oils from the foods during digestion. These oils pass into your bloodstream and travel to your lungs.
This produces an odor that others can notice in your breath for up to 72 hours. Drinking beverages with strong odors, such as coffee, can also contribute to bad breath.

How to get rid of Bad Breath (Halitosis Treatment)

Use Masking products

Mechanical reduction of micro-organisms and their substrates is very helpful

A solid breakfast is the key

Improving reduced salivation can solve the halitosis problem

Brushing your teeth, flossing & toothpick

Tongue cleaning every morning

Take Professional oral health care

Chemical reduction of micro-organisms:

Toothpastes and mouthrinses with antimicrobial properties can reduce oral malodour by reducing the number of micro-organisms chemically.

You may use the mouthrinses containing: chlorhexidine, triclosan, essential oils and cetylpyridinium chloride

Chemical neutralization of odorous compounds:

Certain compounds reduce halitosis by chemically neutralizing odorous compounds, including volatile sulphur-containing compounds.

These often contain ingredients, such as zinc, sodium, stannous and magnesium

Management of non-oral halitosis:

Removal of tonsil stones, or tonsillectomy may be needed in case of tonsil stones if other conservative methods have been tried without success.

If the halitosis is due to an infection of H. pylori or E. coli, antibiotics and other medications may be of help.

Treating underlying medical problems, such as a sinus infection or kidney disease, can also help improve breath odour.


Medical disclaimer: Medinaz Academy does not provide medical advice. The content available in our books and videos, on our website, or on our social media handles do not provide a diagnosis or other recommendation for treatment and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in diagnosis and treatment of any person or animal. We intend to provide educational information only. The determination of the need for medical services and the types of healthcare to be provided to a patient are decisions that should be made only by a physician or other licensed health care provider. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition.


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